Random Thoughts

2024 Election Scenarios

NOTE: I originally wrote this on August 3, 2023 and I thought I would put it in here to see where things might go.

Okay I have been thinking about these possibilities for a while and I want to get them on paper as soon as possible so somebody can not say I said this after the fact. As of now there are a number of outcomes concerning the 2024 elections. I do believe there is a strong likelihood that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee. I cannot see anyone else coming close to winning the nomination. That being said I do believe the Socialist Democrats will do everything in their power to prevent him from running, possibly even assassination attempts.

From indictments to screaming and yelling unfair. However, while I understand that the Justice system in the US is fully corrupt and they will try to get him in a favorable court like the prejudice and biased Washington DC and New York courts they will eventually fail. Most court cases can be prolonged for a long time and due to the nature of the charges that they will bring, he can delay them beyond the 2024 nomination and election.

If he can move them out of Washington DC or New York where the jury’s are biased then he would be found not guilty on all charges. And then there is the appeals courts where he would win in all cases as well as at the US Supreme Court.

However, there is another side to this election and that is Comrade Joseph Biden. I do not believe that Joe Biden will be the democrat nominee. In my mind there is no way he could win the Democrat primaries unless there is some shenanigans going on in the democratic party which would not surprise me. So unless the primaries are manipulated by the democratic party Joe will either die in office leaving Kamala Harris as president whom could not win a democratic primary or he will withdraw due to health and age.

If he dies or withdraws then who most likely would be the nomination, I believe it would be Gavin Newsom. However, if some how Joseph Biden were to win the primaries then I believe Joseph Biden would withdraw at the Democrat convention due to health and age leaving the nomination up to the delegates which Joseph Biden would control. And it would be at Democrat convention that they would nominate Michelle Obama at the request of Joseph Biden. I believe there has been an agreement for a long time between Obama and Biden to do this.

If an election come down to Trump vs. Biden, then Trump would win if the elections where fair and honest which we know they are not. If an election comes down to Trump vs. Gavin Newsom, then I believe Trump would win. However, if it come down to a Trump vs. Michelle Obama, then I believe Michelle Obama will win.

This leads to another thought, if somehow Trump where to win in 2024 then it is highly possible that we could enter into a civil war started of course by the Socialist Democrats. The idea that Trump would be president would absolutely scare the shit out of them because they know he will destroy everything they have spent years building up so they can control America.

Addendum: Okay so as of now I may have been wrong regarding Michelle Obama, but then again the election is not over and I am not so sure Scamala will be the democratic nominee. However I could be wrong. With Scamala Harris currently being the DNC anointed nominee what will happen. As I stated above Scamala could not win if she had to go through the primary process, however, since she did not have to do that what now are her odds of winning.

It is my believe that in 2016 the Creator gave America a chance to repent, but America choose not to repent. In fact it seems to me that they have flaunted their immorality in His face even more. Therefore it is my belief that Donald Trump who is the republican nominee as I stated he would be will not win the election as the democrats will again rig the election to their favor. However, if somehow Yahweh gives America a second chance to repent then he is more gracious then I thought and if the economy where to crash greater then it has between now and November then yes Donald Trump will win. Even if the economy does not get worse Donald may still win just on the absolute stupidly of Scamala.

Now I am not saying that Scamala will win, I pray and hope not, for if she is elected America is doomed and I believe it will be destroyed by Nuclear fire.