Random Thoughts


Just what is being brainwashed? Are all people brainwashed in one sense or another, or is it something which must be actively and intentionally created. We send our children off to school to be educated, but is education a form of brainwashing? Today there is a big concern that the schools are brainwashing our children in the form of Critical Race Theory, Sexual Gender Education, and a host of other ideas. When we attempt to teach, exhort, or inform with the intent of controlling belief and behavior, then that is considered a form of brainwashing. When the school attempts to teach, exhort, or inform children with the intent of controlling their belief’s and behavior then that is brainwashing.

But if we use that definition then all religions, and much of life is a form of brainwashing. Most brainwashing is very subtle, education up until recently has never been considered a form of brainwashing, but it is. Religion is not considered a form of brainwashing, but it is. Life is a very subtle form of brainwashing, what our parents teach us growing up, it is all a from of brainwashing.

Education historically has been a from of teaching without forcing belief one way or another, but today our Universities are clearly trying to brainwash there students to believe in certain and specific ideas. That all started back in the 1930’s when socialists realized they could not easily win politically without changing peoples belief’s and the easiest way to change peoples belief’s was to infiltrate the educational system and gradually change the fundamental beliefs through the educational system.

We know that one can use harsh methods to brainwash a person, the military does it all the time, and have even experimented with brainwashing and mind control techniques. That is how many law enforcement get confessions from people, hammer them mentally so hard they fold and say whatever you want them to say. But most forms of brainwashing are subtle. So the question is are all people brainwashed and if so why and to what degree.

Yes, I do believe all people are brainwashed to some degree. The question is when one is trying to persuade another person to there belief’s is this brainwashing or not. In my opinion it is not unless that person is using other techniques to get that person to accept there belief’s like putting a person in prison to force them to accept there belief, taking away a persons food until they accept your belief’s, or any other method. The Puritans forced the members to believe what they wanted them too or be forced out, other cult’s do the same thing.

Most religions do not use force to make one accept there belief’s, but they do use very strong persuasion efforts just shy of force if they could. When one is ostracized if they do not think or act like those around them it can be a very strong tactic to brainwashing a person into believing and acting as the brain washer wants them to act and believe. That is how the Universities today try to brainwash as well as trying to use policy as a form of force. That is how today’s educational system is brainwashing the kids. That is also how the media is trying to brainwash our society.

But why do some people accept what there told and others do not. About 80 percent of Americans accept what the government tells them by looking at how people responded to the “pandemic.” Why do so many people just go along to get along, it that brainwashing. I consider myself not easily brainwashed but under the right conditions maybe. I think some people like myself are not easily brainwashed because they question everything they are told, especially when its the government, media, or other entity close to the government like a government forced rehabilitation program.

Most people do not question everything they are told because they are led to believe that the government only wants the best for them, but that just is not true. We must always keep Ronald Reagan's words in mind “The government is not the solution, the government is the problem.” The same with the media, many people think that the media is just telling them the truth even if they do have biases, but others like myself do not have the least bit of trust in the media and believe that the media is part of the active effort to brainwash the public into thinking the way the government wants them to believe.

I say question everybody and everything.