Random Thoughts

Dangerous Conditions

There are many dangerous conditions in the world today so lets take some time discussing each and every one that I can think of. First and I think the biggest danger is Psychology, the humanist religion that is destroying America and much of the world. Of course I believe that the world is controlled by unseen spiritual beings, so when I discuss something like psychology one must understand that psychology itself is controlled by these spiritual being, or I should say used by these spiritual being. Psychology is brainwashing the youth of today as well as many adults that there is no such thing as right and wrong other then what one wants right and wrong to be. Psychology has no understanding of what SIN is. So psychology is degrading our morals and values within this society.

Socialism while it might seem not that big of a deal, it is, it is the program that the elites are using to control the world. Our universities and public education is totally under the control of socialists. Socialism is about everyone having equal outcomes, not about equal opportunity. Nobody is rich, nobody is poor. Socialism teaches that we should all give up our rights to the control of some body whether that body is a government, committee or whatever and that we all must do what we are told. Socialism is an economic system where the government owns and controls all methods of production. It is very similar to a communistic economic system but slightly different in that in a communistic economy one owns nothing, all production and all property is owned by the government. In a socialists economy one can own property, but not production and then only as long as all property ownership is equal.

In a socialists system children are owned by the government and only taught by the government. Alex Huxley’s “Brave New World” is a novel about the socialist system. The American mainstream news media has become a socialist news media. If you don’t agree with them or don’t get your news from them you are misinformed and often give out misinformation. If what you believe does not agree with there agenda then you are referred to as an extremist.

I recently read a book called “The Great Taking” by David Rogers Webb which speaks of how the elites are planning to take control of everybody by taking control of everything. They will take control by taking control of the banking system forcing everybody into a digital dollar which can be used to track everybody in what they buy and or sell. Not only to track what you buy but to control what you can buy, how much you have to pay for things. For example they can control rents, medical costs, etc. By taking over the banks they also believe that they can take over all your property, your home, your car, any items which have to be licensed, motorcycle, boat, ATV, UTV, etc. Of course over time what they want to do is own everything that you buy, you do not get to be the owner of anything.

Software is the example that they are wanting to use. When you buy software, or download it to a computer or you smartphone, you always have to agree to the software owners terms of agreement that you do not own the software, but are being allowed to use it under the software owners terms of agreement. That is the elites plan, when you buy something, you are just buying the rights to use that something, a television, a consumer good, etc. Maybe the only thing you will be allowed to own is the food that goes into your body. But will you be allowed to own your own body, not likely.

The world is closely following wars in Russia and Ukraine as well as the middle east with many small wars going on in others countries that the socialist news media will not even tell you about. Is there a danger to our world, absolutely. We are just one button away from a world wide nuclear war.

So I caution one to watch closely your checking and financial accounts for tomorrow the government may take them in one second just like FDR did back in 1933 when he shut down the banks and outlawed the ownership of gold. Although per the constitution he did not have the authority to do that, presidents, congress, and courts do not follow the constitution or the laws. If the banks are shut down how do you pay your mortgage, your debts that have collateral like an automobile. How about your utility bills. Won’t be able to buy food or anything else the government does not allow.

So when you do not pay your bills because the government has put a hold on all bank and retirement accounts what are you going to do when your creditor demands payment. You will not be able to say sorry, you’ll have to wait until the government releases my money, because they have no intention of that.

I tend to believe the next false flag that the government will use to control the masses will be a grid shutdown, not all of it but a good majority that will be attributed to cyper-terrorists. What a great way to force everybody into a new type of digital dollar, when your starving you’ll do anything the government wants. Shut down the grid and guess what, no banking, no gas, no food, no power, people will do just about anything especially for their kids.