Random Thoughts


Ephesians 6:12 – For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

As of late there has been a tremendous rise in violence and gun crime in this country, what is causing it? It is not the fault of the gun, but of the person who holds the gun, and that is where we need to start, why? As I have just stated we are in a war in this world and it is not a physical war like the war in Ukraine, but a different kind of war. A spiritual war but just as real and the world does not understand. While spiritual in nature, spiritual forces use human operatives to accomplish their desires. The objective of this war I believe is to destroy as many humans spiritually as these worldly forces of darkness can and thwart the creators plans.

I believe the creators plan as laid out in His Word are coming to a point of fulfillment and the worldly forces of darkness believe that as well. Although worldly forces of darkness do not know the future per say they can read the handwriting on the wall, so they are doing everything that they can to destroy. That is part of the cause of so much gun violence I believe. These worldly forces of darkness use every possible weapon that they can and one of those weapons is the “religion of psychology.” Yes, psychology is a religion when used to change peoples belief’s, when used to change peoples behaviors, and thoughts.

As a general rule when it comes to religion most people come by there belief’s, and align there actions to those belief’s by what there parents often teach them and by attending a church, synagogue, or other place of spiritual teaching and training. So in essence religion is more personal and while people may share there belief’s with others there is not a public push for everyone to follow a specific religion. Although many might say in America there is a push to follow Christianity, Christianity is so splintered in so many different belief’s there is not a specific belief.

However psychology is publicly pushed by the United States government, and every State government within the United States to the point that most people within the United Sates are brainwashed into the religion of psychology. It is also true of most every government within the world, psychology is publicly taught and pushed into every facet of life, education, work, even into other religions to the point that people accept whatever they are told.

Psychology is used by the worldly forces of darkness to achieve there own ends. Satan is known as the great deceiver and he dose that quite well by creating a religion called Christianity similar to the church that Yahshua created but slightly different believing that what Yahshua really taught does not matter. Satan uses Psychology to make people believe that there is no right and wrong, it’s just a matter of a persons personal perspective.

So the cause of the rise of violence as well as gun violence in America is caused by these worldly spiritual forces of darkness brainwashing society in our educational system, our culture, our technology, our lives. The objective’s I believe of these worldly spiritual forces of darkness are to create a general condition of chaos in America, to create disunity in America and prepare for the complete demise of America. However truth be told violence is not limited to America, but we tend to focus on the American culture of violence. Violence is rising in many counties around the world.

I should mention here that many if not all of these people who use guns for violence and other methods of violence are demon (evil spirits) possessed as well. Yes, I know that most individuals in our world especially those who have no spiritual belief do not believe in a concept such as demon possession, however I have personally witnessed it, I know the reality of it. The world does not exist only in a physical sense but also in an unseen spiritual one as well.