Random Thoughts

Destructive Forces in America - Part I

In my opinion there are two destructive forces in American social life today and I know that some people will consider my opinion wrong, but I don’t care. The number two destructive force in America today is caused by women getting the right to vote. When women got the right to vote men became a second class citizen. Not all at once but quickly over time. It was not long after women got the right to vote that women went into the work place abandoning their families. There is nothing more important in my mind then children having there mothers teaching and guiding them as they grow up.

That was lost, and feminism became a big idea that we need equality, but man and women where not created to be equal, but to complement each other. Where the man is weak the woman is strong, where the woman is weak the man is strong, together they form a union that is extremely strong but only when they work together. It is my belief that our society today is sick socially due to the misplaced priorities of women, thinking that working is more important then being a mother.

Now I know a lot of people will say but economically we can’t make it if both of us don’t work. Bull crap. Yes, your living standard will not be as high, all those technological things that you think you need you won’t be able to afford possibly, cable TV, Netflix's, smart phones for every kid in your family, etc. You might have to forgo all those trips, or change them into something cheap, but it is better then the kids being abandoned.

The number one destructive force in America today is psychology. It was about the time that women got the right to vote that the religion of psychology began to rise in this county and it has become the state religion of the United States. I do believe that this religion that teaches man that we are our own gods, that we don’t need the creator has been the most destructive influence in this country. Until people realize the extreme danger that psychology presents to the human race, we as the human race will continue to deteriorate and like a rock rolling down hill it will get faster and faster.

There is strength in many counselor’s however who those counselor’s are matter and when we allow satanic influenced counselor’s to be the counselor, then we will continue the downward slide. Most people, I would say about 98 percent of people who go into psychology have some kind of emotional problem from poor parenting, poor examples in life to other kinds of situations which created those emotional problems.

The question is do you go to a marriage counselor who has been married and divorced a half dozen times to receive counseling on how to make a marriage work to be strong. Even if they have been college trained they are not a good marriage counselor. I don’t think a person who cannot make there own marriage work would be the best person to teach others how to keep there marriage strong. Nor do I believe it is good for a person who has emotional problems and baggage to teach others how to have good emotional regulation and to keep there emotional life healthy.

All the education in the world from a university does not make a person a good marriage counselor nor does it make a good life counselor. All the education does not make a person a good drug counselor, or a good alcohol counselor, or a good sex counselor. Only experience and good moral values. The problem often however is that people who have poor moral values “think” they have good values, but they don’t have a clue what good moral values are. Tomorrow I will give you an expended version of this with Part II.