Random Thoughts

Destructive Forces in America - Part II

I have touched upon this subject yesterday but I want to delve into it a little bit deeper and torch them both together. The second largest problem in my view as to the cause of the destruction of our society, or any society is giving women the right to vote and to be placed in a position of authority. Now I know some people will feel that I am anti-women, but I am not. Women are wonderful humans when used as the Creator designed them to be. I don’t believe that women should be, “barefoot and pregnant.”

Why then do I believe that women are the second largest cause of our societies downfall. It is simple, when women where given the right to vote, they where also given the right to be put in positions of authority. To run for public office, to set in positions of making life changing decisions for out society. Women rule with there emotions, they make decisions based upon emotion. That is never a good thing when in a position of authority. Men rule with logic, they make decisions based upon logic. Now what I am saying is not absolute, not every single women rules with emotions, but the vast majority do. The same with men, not all men use logic to make decisions, but the vast majority do.

Men have been the warrior throughout history and as a warrior one needs to use logic to win against your enemy, whether that enemy is human or animal. The greatest generals of history use logic to win battles, they do not use emotions. It comes down to the same thing when creating laws or rules for society. When those in a position of authority use emotion in creating laws, statues, ordinances or regulation, the decisions will be flawed. Our society will start to crumble and that is what is happening today in America and around the world where women make decisions.

Emotions are good for many things such as nurturing children as they grow up and for other things, but logic is better for making decisions that affect our ability to hunt, gather food, fight, and many other things. So in my opinion because women have in the last century been involved in making the ordinances, in creating statues and laws for our society, our society is falling apart due to rampant violence, behavior disorders, lack of morality and values. A major cause of violence in young men is not being able to be a man which has come about because of laws and rules put in place by women.

Today is is not unusual to see most of the city council members being women, the school board, the county commissioners, the legislature, etc. Women tend to become the majority in many places of authority and it is destroying this county and many others where women are in positions of authority. It will not get better as long as women are in charge of rules and laws. Now there really is nothing wrong in itself of woman voting, rather its the being in positions of authority and making laws or rules for society, that is the issue.

Now the number one reason however I believe that our society is crumbling and about to fall is the religion of psychology. Yes, psychology is a science when studied to understand human or animal nature and behavior, but when used to change peoples behavior, or belief’s, or thoughts then is becomes a religion as I have mentioned several times. The religion of psychology is humanism, man is his own ‘god.’ What ever rules we want to make, or to live by is okay because we are god and we get to make any rule we want.

I cannot emphasis enough that psychology is evil and one of the main reasons why is that psychology attracts people to it that are emotionally and behaviorally damaged. They have had a bad life growing up and somehow it damaged their thinking process and their emotions. I have studied the life of several psychologists and of the ones who I have studied they where in my opinion insane.

Psychology in my opinion is destroying America and any other country where psychology has been allowed to become their religion. Yes, as a religion it is illegal for the US government to require anybody to attend or participate in any program that is psychology based. However, this government since Abraham Lincoln has not cared about following the constitution if it does not feel it is in the governments best interest.