Random Thoughts


A lot has been in the news as of late of parents being a bit concerned about the indoctrination that there kids are getting in the schools. Specifically about transgender, LBGT advocacy, about systemic racism, and a host of other concerns. Well guess what the educational system has been indoctrinating kids since it’s beginning. Before the United States existence education was for the most part a parental action, well to do parents would have there children educated, but all education was a private affair for the most part.

Along comes the United States, our Universities where for the most part all private but as the states began forming they started setting up there own Universities, from that point on the state has had influence in what is taught. As the United States entered the twentieth century the educational system while for the most part was to educate children and young adults the government realized how effective it could be used indoctrinating kids as well as young adults in partisanship, patriotism, and a host of other ideas.

Education has always been about indoctrination. After WWII the education system in this county started a slide toward socialism, first in the Universities, but as the Universities began teaching the next generation of teachers guess what, there philosophies of life began changing, there minds and beliefs became much more liberal, since kids growing up after WWII started having less influence from there parents and the church. So fast forward to the end of the century and the kids coming out of the Universities as well as the public education system are extremely liberal in there beliefs and philosophies.

So in the beginning of the twenty first century what would people expect, now the teachers coming out of the public educational system and the universities are more progressively more and more liberal, so where people did not concern themselves with the indoctrination that existed last century now they are starting to see the effects.

Well there is only one way to eliminate or dramatically change the indoctrination in the public education and universities. Separate education from government. Like the first amendment of the US constitution that prevents the government from controlling religion, we also need an amendment that would prevent the government from controlling education. Nothing else will ever prevent the indoctrination of kids until that happens. If we don’t then forever will our kids be indoctrinated into whatever the government wants them to be.