Random Thoughts


My own definition of Justice, in my own words. Where do we get the concept of Justice. For most of the world the concept of Justice comes from those in power. The concept of Justice in China is different then that in Japan, or the United States. The concept of Justice in the United States is different then the concept of Justice in Iran or Iraq. So clearly we cannot use the definition of Justice that any country would use. However I do believe that all things, all concepts have to come from a strong foundation for them to be viable, but where does that foundation come from. There is only one place for me and that is the Word.

In the Word Justice is often associated with Judgment so is it possible to have Justice without Judgment? E.W. Bullinger states that Justice equals Righteousness, that which is just or right.

Proverbs 1:3 “To receive the instruction of wise behavior, righteousness, justice, and fairness.”

To me justice while a form of accountability, must also be equal in measure. So the problem with national definitions of justice is that there rarely is an equal measure. In our society the judgment which includes punishment, retribution, revenge, and while suppose to include restoration but it often only includes restoration from one standpoint which is the governments.

The person who then has been harmed must have justice measured out to them to where they must be restored to wholeness as much as is possible, but so to the person who is being judged or may have caused the harm.

Justice is returning to wholeness for both the victim and the victimizer if there is to remain no victims.