Random Thoughts

Masculinity in America Today

It is clear to me that American society has become feminized and that men have been relegated to the background. Look at television commercials today, they often show men as being dumb, stupid, or out of touch with reality. Men are second class citizens in American society. What men think or want is not as important as what women think or want. Watch the news and you will see that it tends to lean toward the view of feminism.

We are told that women can wear whatever they want to and that we as men are not suppose to think anything about it, not to visualize anything inappropriate or deviant and it is our responsibility to assure that we do not. I tend to think that women have brought in there feminist prospective, but we are not allowed a masculine prospective, we are to leave that at the door.

How can a man be masculine in our society today? At one time a man was a warrior, he was the hunter gatherer, he fought for his family, his community, he went out and hunted for his food, he would gather food from the forest. Today few men hunt, nor do they gather food and most do not even grow there own food. And while men are still warriors, they have been dumbed down by the equalization of women in the warrior class. Since women have become part of the warrior class, we cannot offend them, or humiliate them or anything the men used to use to create the male warrior.

Unfortunately another thing boys use to have to go through some kind of ritual to become a man, a quest, or whatever. Where are the rituals today to bring a boy from his childhood to his adulthood. Boys in the 12-13 year range often flounder and with no real activities to grow them into a man become the criminals of tomorrow. Who fault is that?

When women where given the right to vote they where also given the right to sit on rule making bodies such as councils, legislator, commissions, and any other authoritative position. However, woman as a general rule make decisions based upon emotions while men as a general rule make decisions based upon logic. Therein lays one the major problems with our society today. Throughout history we have seen that the greatest generals have always been men. That is because to win wars requires strategies of logic and not emotion. There is use for woman making decisions with emotions rather then logic and that is in raising kids. Kids need the emotional decisions of a women and not the logical decisions of a male.

However as long as women are making laws, ordinances, and regulations based upon emotion our society will continue to degrade until it implodes.