Random Thoughts

Morality Matters

Morality matters in a society, when morality falls, the society also seems to fall in quality. Now understand, morality is not something the government controls, it is something people, society determine for themselves. Government involvement in the matters of morality tends to damage the morality of a society. But morality matters if we want our country, out society, our culture to survive. The more moral a society is the odds are the society will be strong, the country will be strong, but American society is on the decline due to the decline of morality in America.

The reason I say government should not be involved in society is because our government and most governments are controlled by the almighty dollar which tends to oppose morality. Morality is not based upon how rich one is or how poor one is, it is something that come from within, but one has to be taught morality, it is not something that one is born understanding or knowing. The school cannot teach morality, the government cannot teach morality, morality comes from the parent. It can be reinforced by the church but even the church cannot teach morality.

So with that I will say we do not have a Mental (Behavior) Health Crises in America, we don’t have a Gun Violence Crises in America we have a Crises of Morality. Removing guns from the society will not improve America’s morality, the same cause of the morality problem is the same cause as the behavior health crises. Our morals are thought to us when we grow up so guess what, the youth of today are not taught any values, so how can we expect problems to go away when the cause remains.

Our values determines our morality. Where do our values come from, I created a chart which unfortunately I cannot put into this blog so I will attempt to explain it. The chart is divided into 20 year sections beginning with 1900. The first generation I call the WWI generation from 1900-1920, then the second generation is the Depression generation from 1920-1940. Following that is the WWII generation from 1940-1960, followed by the Hollywood generation from 1960-1980. Following that is what I call the MTV generation from 1980-2000 followed by the Internet generation from 2000-2020.

When children where growing up pre-WWII the values that children learned or acquired came from there parents and the church. After WWII all that began to change, women entered the work force en-mass, leaving many children home alone, or with babysitters, to learn there values from someone else or some other place. After WWII the influence of parents and the church began to wane as the influence of the school and piers began to increase.

But about this time also Hollywood came into existence and all these children started to learn there values from the television, or the philosophy of Hollywood, parents and church become less and less important. Then MTV came around, and while I am not saying music is bad for it’s been around forever, but music became an influencing factor in the lives of children growing up because they are around it 24/7 and then the Internet popped up, now who is teaching children growing up there values, not the parent, not the church. Keep in mind that each generation goes on to become law makers. So now we have laws being made by individuals who have little values and very few morals.

There is no way to bring back values and morals, they are going to continue to get worse and worse. Thus is the reason socialism has make a rebound into our world and will continue to increase in power and influence. Remove all the guns and the morality is still gone, so what can we do. The pagan gods (fallen spirits) have returned as some say and I am afraid the world will continue on its downward spiral. Until society returns to the Creator and his Word nothing will get better only worse.

The next influencing factor I see on the horizon is Artificial Intelligence. Just wait until your child's morality and values are programed into them from AI.