Random Thoughts


Exactly what is propaganda, before I read the dictionary definition or go online to find the definition there I want to discuss my definition of propaganda. As most people think of propaganda as something coming from governments. During WWI and WWII there was clearly American propaganda put forth to the American people to get them to support the war efforts and there was propaganda from the Japanese in WWII as well (Tokyo Rose). However I also believe that propaganda can come from other institutions and organizations.

Propaganda is the publishing of information that may or may not be true for the expressed purpose of getting support from citizens or people that the propagandists wants support for. Today there is much propaganda put out by the United States government about many things. It is put out on radio, television, and through the news media. It is called the National Ad Council, but is not limited to that council. The MSM (Main Stream Media) itself as well as the press (that which is written) often puts out propaganda to get people to believe or support a specific idea.

I watch broadcast television and there are many commercials which are clear propaganda. Commercials which support women and children but not men. Commercials that want you to believe a specific idea such as guns are going to kill someone in your home if you don’t keep them locked up. That could be true but the level of government effort to have all people follow there dictates is amazing. Now sometimes the government does something good such as education efforts to teach people and especially younger people about the dangers of smoking. There is nothing wrong with that when the evidence is clear and overwhelming but often times the government goes in a completely wrong direction.

Example was the push by the governments for everyone to wear a mask because of Covid or the idea of staying 6 feet away from everyone. That was pure propaganda because there was no evidence that doing any of that would protect anyone. Today the government is trying to push the belief that transgender is a medical condition which it clearly is not. The airwaves, the printing presses are full of propaganda and sometimes its in the form of a book that someone has written.

The only way to guard against propaganda is to be constantly on guard about what you watch, what you read, and know what you believe. When someone publishes something or something is put on the airwaves, test it for truth, research to determine if what you are reading or hearing is the truth or the opinions of the masses.