Random Thoughts

Satan's Church

We cannot speak about Yahshua’s church without speaking about Satan’s church. Yes, Satan has a church and it not what many people refer to as Satanists of today. Satan is known as the adversary and full of deceit, and deception.

Deception: The opposite of truth is “lie” or “falsehood,” but so is “deceit” and “deception.” Satan, the devil, is the father of all lies (Jn 8:44). He is also the great deceiver (Rev_12:9), deceiving the whole world. He started his work of deceiving in the garden of Ěḏen, and he has been doing it ever since, even coming as a messenger of light, even through his ministers who present themselves as ministers of righteousness (2Co_11:13-15). In Mat_24:1-51, speaking about the days prior to His return, Yahshua warns us no less than four times against the deception (or leading astray) during the last days (Mat_24:4-5, Mat_24:11, Mat_24:24). Paul reveals this to us as well in (2Th_2:1-17), and explicitly warns us about “lawlessness” taking over in the Worship! This lawlessness is associated with “deceit”, “falsehood” and “delusion” (2Th_2:9-11).

So if Satan is the father of lies and is deception itself then it only makes sense that he after Yahshua rose from the grave would not quit trying what he has tried for centuries. Yahshua’s said he would build his ‘church’ and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. Do you really think Satan would stand by without doing anything. I don’t think so.

So he came up with a plan, he would create his own church, a church that looked a lot like Yahshua’s church but was slightly different and would pull people away from Yahshua’s true church. He called his church “Christianity” and began it in 325 at Nicene under then emperor Constantine. Also known as the “Roman Catholic Church.” Now some think that the Roman Catholic Church is a Christian church and it is along with all the protesting Catholic's who call themselves Protestants. All these churches are Satan’s church, not Yahshua’s church. He is very good at his deception.

When Yahshua’s was here upon earth he kept chastising the Pharisees for following after Judaism and kept telling them to turn back to the Torah. Satan had already perverted Yahwehism for the Jews by creating the Talmud a completely deceptive book that would move the Jews away from Yahweh and the Torah and toward him. Now Christianity seems to think that Yahshua’s came to create a new religion called Christianity, he did not. In fact in Mathew 5:17 he emphatically stated that he did not come to do way with the Torah but to do all that the Torah commanded and to fulfill all the prophecies about Him in the Torah.

Now if he came not do do away with the Torah how can Christianity not follow the Torah? Very simple because Christianity is of Satan.