Random Thoughts

Statue of Limitations

As of late there seems to be a push to change the laws to eliminate statute of limitation laws. Unfortunately while that may seem like a good idea for those who are harmed it is a slippery slope. There never has been statute of limitation laws when it comes to murder/homicide. However the push now is for sexual types of crimes. A woman claims that 20 or 30 years ago when they where young some male raped her or in some form of sexual action damaged her but at the time she was too afraid to come forward. That is completely bullshit in my book. If a woman chooses not to make a complaint within a short time, usually five years or five years after they turn the age of majority they should not be allowed to try to present a crime many years later. The truth is often times they see money and it is much easier to get that money if they can also bring some kind of criminal charge. It is morally wrong, period.

Not only is it wrong, it also begins opening up the possibility of elimination of statute of limitation laws in many other types of crimes. It is morally wrong to go after a person who did something minor in the younger life and have now lived a clean and successful life but because of their success someone sees a way to get a lot of money or revenge. It is wrong. It is wrong.

A person got involved in something stupid like selling drugs, right now there is a five year statute of limitation, but that same person come to realize that selling drugs is wrong and quit selling drugs. The government can and often will go back using conspiracy laws which are wrong as well to convict that person. But I can see the government eliminating statute of limitation laws as a way to go after any and everybody as a way to control the population. It is wrong.

At the same time we have people who are allowed to exploit the system and go after people who did no wrong such as the Boy Scouts of America, the Catholic church or any other organization rather then the individual(s) who may have harmed them years and years ago. It is wrong.

The worst part about attempting to change the statute of limitation laws is that instead of changing the statute going forward they are attempting to change it retroactively which is unconstitutional. A direct violation of the ninth amendment of the constitution. I should mention that statue of limitations should not exist for minors and should not begin until that minor has reached the age of majority which in most cases is 18. However any statute of limitation over five years is nothing more then a witch hunt in most cases. It is wrong. Even in some homicide type of cases there should be a statute of limitations.