Random Thoughts

Surveillance Society

Well there has been a lot in the news lately in regards to the coming surveillance society so I thought we would discuss what's coming. The plan is to monitor and control every aspect of ones life, where you can travel, what you can drive, what goes into your body, what you can eat. You bank account will be monitored and controlled therefore every aspect of what you buy and sell will be controlled. What you can watch will be controlled, where you get your news will be controlled. So who are they and how are they going to do all this.

Back in about the 1930s time frame the socialist political party realized that they would never get what they wanted from the political system, the democrats just did not support there ideas so they come up with a plan. It was a long term plan they realized but the only way they could change the society and the democratic party to except what they wanted and that was to move into the college realm and change the education of American’s. They started with the Universities getting there ideas into the classroom and indoctrinating the college students, the future professors and teachers. Well it worked and pretty soon the university professors for the most part where socialists. Of course not everyone, but the majority. The time frame was the 1960’s.

They next moved to the secondary education system sending teachers into the classrooms who had been indoctrinated as socialist. Just like the universities it work flawlessly. The teachers for the most part in elementary to high school where socialists in there belief’s. The time frame was the 1980’s. Of course not everyone, but the majority.

Now comes the 2000’s and students from Universities to elementary schools have been indoctrinated into the socialism that the socialists wanted. So now they are using those they have been indoctrinated, journalists, teachers, corporate managers, “religious” leaders, political representatives and a host of other individuals. The socialists want the whole world to do everything as to what they want which means you would have to give up freedom, independence, no room for any disagreement.

But there has been another group of people from the same time period that have always wanted a way to control and run the world. You will find these in corporations and political fields, they are called globalists. Most of our modern day presidents have been globalists, Bill Clinton, George Bush, Obama, Biden, Harris etc. This has been going on for a long time, but one man came along who was not a socialist, not a globalists, and that was Donald J. Trump and the socialists are absolutely afraid of him because he embodies everything the socialist hate, nationalism and America first.

The globalists want total control of every person, every nation, in a since a One World Government, a New World Order. There are some self-proclaimed leaders of these groups like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, etc. but the real power is still behind the scenes. They may think they are saving the world from all the people who do not agree with them but they are not. So now you know the who, the question is the how.

So over the years the government uses third parties to enforce what they want. Example it is your employer who gives the government your taxes. Why not go directly to you for taxes, because it is easier for the government to control a business then an individual. The government uses the media today to try to control what people think and how they should act both the news media and the use of commercials which are created by the “Ad Council” which is a government entity in part. Any organization which receives government funding of any kind is a government entity, used by the government for what the government wants. Planned Parenthood is one example and there are many others.

Not all ads are bad in some respects, the governments use of commercials to discourage smoking dose not seem wrong on the surface and it has achieved its objective to a point, but one could argue that is is wrong for the government to use tax payers dollars to manipulate peoples behavior. But how are socialists and globalists going to be able to control your behavior and belief’s. There are three ways to control people, fear, shame, and guilt. To control you they need to shame you into doing what they want similar to what Nazi Germany did before and during WWII. So one way to do this is through the use of Main Stream News Media and Entertainment Media. The use of neighbors and co-workers, and those you may associate with to shame you when you don’t agree with the majority.

But that alone will not control everything you think and so they need to do more. How can they control where your travel, by passport control, so expect to see greater requirements for any type of travel outside the US. It has been coming for quite a long time. George Bush require a passport to reenter the US from Canada and Mexico, something that was not required before. Travel restriction internationally is easy to control, but what about state to state.

Well the government has been working for a long time on a national ID and part of that is the star card drivers license which eventually one will be required to have if you want to fly on an airplane. One more way for government control. While the star card may be optional today an event will come along which will allow the government to force everyone to have one if you wish to drive. Keep in mind the federal government owns the interstate road system so if they wish to shut it down or control who travels on it they could rather easily.

But there are even easier ways to control your travel and that would be to control your ability to buy gas, something Biden has been working on. If you cannot buy gas how do you travel, public transportation, bike, walk, or “electric.” This is how they will control your travel. This also comes down to what you can drive, if the government where to put in place a multi-tiered rationing system for gas people will look for alternatives.

But the easiest way to control your purchase of course is the CBDC which would of course control your purchase and your sales. Of course to participant in the CBDC you are required to have some kind of ID which will prove who you are and this is where the national ID comes in. To work you would need this national ID, to buy you need a CBDC account in a government bank. Yes all banks today are owned by the government even though they will tell you they are not. If the government can take your money out of your account for any reason it’s not your money, or your bank, its’ the governments bank. In time cash will be phased out and everyone will be require to have a CBDC account which your income from employment, government benefits, or any other source would be deposited directly to that account.

Of course once you have that account the government will be able to track your every purchase and prevent you from purchasing what they don’t want you to purchase, guns, non approved government pharmaceuticals, etc. In fact they can control who gets medical care and who does not, what you can watch and what you cannot. The government will go even further by controlling who can put information out as news, what you put on social media and attempt to control your very thoughts. They do this now to a great extent, individuals have been and are imprisoned for speaking out in the United States and in many other countries. Mostly for religious views but also for political views as well.

Universities often try to control what is stated on campus and what their students state or believe. This also occurs in the secondary and high school levels. You will see this getting worse over time and if the government cannot find a why to do it they will create some kind of event to persuade congress to pass laws to limit or remove your constitutional rights. Now what about what you think, how can they control your thoughts. Well there is a plan even for that and it is called 5G, 5G is not everywhere yet but it is slowly being phased in throughout the Untied States and it has the ability I am told to read your thoughts. Think about it for a while. If you are punished for what you think, will you continue to think about it.

Now I have not spoken of social credit scores, gun restrictions and bans, crack down on religious activities that are coming. All forms of control and surveillance. There is no point in surveillance if the end goal is not control. The best way for the government to keep everybody under some kind of surveillance is through any and all Internet activities, smart phone activities, banking activities, employment activities, group activities, and from your own family. Yes, school kids will be indoctrinated to spy on their parents. These are things Nazi Germany did.

No one will care about your religious activities unless they oppose the globalist socialist agenda so basically most of Christianity is safe since most of it is socialist and secular in nature, but some of the Muslims may have a problem and defiantly true worshipers and believers in the Word. If you as a parent don’t want your kids being indoctrinated with socialism then the only option you have would be to educate them yourself.

Now I want to be clear here, initially surveillance will not include any tattoo, microchip, or any other type of identification of the person, it will be digital ID most likely something on your smart phone that is accepted as drivers license, passport, travel document, CBDC ID all of which will allow you to buy and sell what you want with some minor restrictions. Initially, but over time there will be more and more restrictions. Of course the government will begin by saying its all about preventing criminal activities, but we all know that it is the government that is the biggest criminal of all.

So how can you avoid being surveilled, first do not own a 5G phone, that will help, next use a shield case (fariday cage) for you phone which are rather inexpensive. Limit you Internet use, and smart phone use. Use VPN if you can on your internet connection and on your smart phone. Don’t use google/android or iPhone's, use an alternative, which although expense is a better phone. Refuse to use CBDC, although once the government phases out cash and forces people to use CBDC through your employer, to receive any government benefits, to pay taxes, etc it will become difficult.

Learn to barter as there will always be people that are willing to exchange food, labor, etc for things that are not CBDC. Your biggest problem could be medical care as hospitals and most medical facilitate will not accept anything other then CBDC as they are nothing more then government stooges. The other issue of course would be transportation if the government puts any kind of restriction which they will and or limit the purchase of gas. There are alternative energy for automobiles such as bio-fuel, wood powered automobiles, etc. However one will probably have to limit your driving distances.

The best option I feel would be to move to more isolated places away from any large or even small city. It will be harder for the government to control people in small remote areas.