Random Thoughts

The Coming Storm

“The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who dwell in the clefts of the rock, whose dwelling is high, who say in your heart, ‘Who shall bring me down to the ground?’ Though you rise high as the eagle, and though you set your nest among the stars, from there I shall bring you down,” declares יYahweh”

The coming storm will include geophysical aspects, all the forces of nature seemingly happening at once and with great intensity. At the same time there will be wars in multiple happening in several places at the same time. These wars will include acts by jihadists as well or who some people might call terrorists. At the same time the economies of the USA and of the world will be in free fall. Politics will be in disarray. People will become religious but they will not be followers of the messiah Yahshua. It is my opinion this storm will occur in 2025 and possibly into early 2026.

Floods, Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Wildfires, the list goes on as this next year will increase in all of those and more. Most of these are not due to climate change but rather human actions which have contributed greatly to the causes. Wildfires, the environmentalists worked so hard to shut down the logging industry at least in the west and since the logging has been shut down forest fires are increasing, why, because the loggers no longer clear out the underbrush of the forests as they use to. Now also I believe as the Word states the temperatures will get hotter and that will affect the weather as well as the actions of governments in attempts to control and use weather as a weapon. Yes the United States as well as other nations has and does use weather manipulation to act as a weapon.

I believe that the winters will become rather harsh in some areas of the country such as California, the northeast, the Midwest, and even into the Northwest. I also expect a hotter then normal year in 2025 with blazing temperatures throughout much of the US. Now I am speaking for the US but keep in mind most everything I speak about will also occur throughout the world. A great possibility will be an extremely damaging earthquake or two in the US. The US will be greatly engaged in the Russia-Ukraine war but not necessarily directly yet, that will occur in early 2025. Of course there will be other wars occurring in Africa, and the middle east. War drums will be beating loudly throughout the world. Expect a terrorists attack with a dirty bomb possibly just before the 2024 election, a way for the socialist to control the election. If not a dirty bomb, possibility of some other type of false flag so that the current powers that be can stop the election especially if it looks like Trump could win.

The US economy will continue to degrade with inflation returning early in 2025. The economy will be so bad the US will feverishly work to create a digital dollar to replace the cash dollar so that the government can control spending individually. There will be continuing shipping shortages especially in the area of food as many crops fail and gas prices continue there upward trend.

Now politically what will happen. I believe Elohim has given America a chance to repent when Trump was elected in 2016, however America has refused to repent and it is time for judgment upon America and for it to fall. However if Elohim is gracious enough and lets Donald J. Trump be elected in 2024, however at a cost. If he is elected you can expect the Socialist-Democrats to go to war. There will be extreme violence from the left that could lead to civil war. However, it is my expectation that Donald J. Trump will not be elected, or if he is elected the socialist-democrats will do everything and anything in there power to ensure he cannot take office. Anything from another assassination attempt or court interference.

If Kamala Harris where to somehow win or be installed as president without an election then we will be in the worst position possible. Kamala has no clue about how the economy works and would destroy the US economy, but even worse would be the fact she has no military history or understanding of world affairs and there would be a strong possibility that the United States would be destroyed by a nuclear holocaust when the US gets involved with the Russia-Ukraine conflict or a China-Taiwan conflict. Judgment has come to America. Babylon has fallen.