Random Thoughts

The Measure of a Man

I thought I may have already spoken of this but if I have not so I will now. Nobody is born a homosexual, nobody is born a heterosexual, we are all born a baby, either a male XY or a female XX. Sometimes for whatever reason, but I believe it is because of sin entering into the world, a baby may be born with both biological organs as a hermaphrodite, however, that is rather rare numerically speaking.

So if a person is not born a homosexual how do they become a homosexual. Some in science try to tell you that a person is born a homosexual, they are wrong, just as no one is born heterosexual. Being gay or homosexual, or being heterosexual is a choice one makes in life at some point. There are certainly many influencing factors involved in both choices. Often when a male child is raised in a female only household with no male influences in their life to show them masculinity, they may choose the homosexual lifestyle, but let me be very clear about what it means to be gay or homosexual, or heterosexual. A gay person or homosexual chooses to engage in sexual activities with genders of the same sex and a heterosexual person choose to engage in sexual activities with genders of the opposite sex.

Our inner characteristics may enter into what we choose, however it is specifically sexual actions that one takes with another person that makes a person homosexual or heterosexual, not ones feelings. There are many males and females who choose not to enter into sexual relationships with anyone, they are not homosexual, nor are they heterosexual, they are non-sexual, plain and simple. Another cause often of one choosing homosexuality is if a male child possible females as well is sexuality abused as a child and I do not mean once or even twice but repeatedly they will often choose the homosexual lifestyle.

So a male having feminine characteristics in and of itself is not a homosexual nor is a female having masculinity characteristics in and of itself a homosexual. Yes, they can choose the homosexual lifestyle but not all, and most do not. There are many women who are masculine but not homosexual, there are many men who are feminine but are not homosexual. I do believe that how a society itself treats children growing up can also contribute to how a child sees themselves and what they choose.

Now is is possible for a boy or girl growing up in a two parent family with good role models with both a father and mother that still choose the homosexual lifestyle. That I believe is rare and possibly due to being emotionally mistreated or rejected by other children and or teenagers of the opposite sex as they are growing up that causes them to choose a lifestyle which accepts them in a homosexual relationship. Possible but there also could be other factors involved.

So now we come to the issue of the day, transsexual, transgender, bisexual, or any other modern socialistic attempt by anyone to change who they are, either male or female. There are only two sexes, period and any attempt to change what Elohim created is a perversion from the fallen angels, and more specifically ‘ha satan’ to try and destroy the human race which Elohim created in His image. Psychology, which is specifically one of ‘ha satans’ deceptive religions is being used to destroy the emotional and well being of our children and ourselves, it has brainwashed many into believing that one can change who they are by both choice and sexual mutilation.

Boys have been castrated since the beginning of time, primarily so that they could be put in charge of kings affairs without competition and for sexual reasons, to be used as a homosexuals. It is no different today when a male is chemically castrated or physically castrated. It is physical harm by the person doing so and if it is a doctor, then that doctor is violating his or her oath to do no harm.

The lack of morality in children growing up today causes them to wander throughout their lives lost. We have a generation of lost children not knowing who they are, or what they are, primarily due to psychology’s destruction of morality which is the foundation of ones life. Keep in mind it is your actions that determine who you are and will become, not your thoughts or belief’s.