Random Thoughts

The Right to Choose

What I feel or believe to be the biggest issues with our society. The biggest issue is that as a society we allow the government to dictate to society what is normal and what is not. We use laws to place rules upon society that have nothing to do with right or wrong. If our governments created laws based upon right or wrong that would be okay. But we have been brainwashed as a society for a very long time. It began in the 1930’s time frame, the brainwashing of society, but it has been a slow process. The brainwashing has been done from through educational institutions, through Hollywood, through our musical institution and now through the Internet social media. On one hand we have had the liberals and socialists which have slowly been making head way into our society. As a counter to that we have the conservatives which have pushed back with there own evil views of what they want to see.

I don’t want to get off track here, but that is the number one issue. Abortion really is not the issue, it’s what can a woman do with there own body. If we truly believed that a woman truly owned there own body then we must allow them also to choose suicide if they so choose. We also must allow them to choose the enjoyment of sexual pleasure if that is what they want. If women are saying they should have a right to determine what happens with there body when does that right begin. Is a 16 year old girl less of a woman then a 23 year old. Does the 23 year old get to choose but not the 16 year old. If the sixteen year old can choose abortion then should she not also be allowed to choose suicide or whether or not she wishes to engage in sexual activity.

I should mention here that I believe in individualism, that is a person should be allowed to live there own life as they see fit without interference from government or anyone else as long as they are not hurting anyone. Of course that brings up the concept of what is hurting someone. Are we talking physical or emotionally. So what constitutes hurting. Well I think we can all agree that physically hurting someone is wrong and should be illegal. However some would say a parent that spanks there child is hurting them. I would disagree strongly with that concept however I will admit that sometimes a parent can take physical punishment to the extremes. A spanking should never create a situation where a child is still in any physical pain ten minutes beyond the spanking or there is any bruising of the body.

So I define physical harm as harm that results in physical damage to the body or any harm that could result in physical damage to the body. So a simple wack may not be harm but a hard hit could be even if there is no noticeable damage. So lets get back to issues that are out of control in our society.

There appears to be a large segment of society that wants others to shut up and be quit because they do not agree with them. That is an issue, regardless of the right or left, no one should be censored for there beliefs. No one that is not physically threatening another should be silenced, whether on the internet or in person.

Now while I believe that we all should have the right to choose our own thoughts, our own beliefs, our own life does not mean I do not believe in right and wrong. I clearly do, I do not believe that a woman owns their own body just as I believe a man does not own his own body. Our bodies belong to the Creator Yahweh and that makes a difference. So I do not support suicide, I do not support abortion in most cases although I also do not believe based on the Word that life begins at conception but rather “life is in the blood”, in other words life begins when blood flows within a child, generally about 6-8 weeks after conception. Any termination of pregnancy after this point is murder plain and simple. Now I do believe that a person including women do have the right to defend their life from anyone who would try to take it away from them and this could include a pregnancy. If a woman’s life is endangered then yes they have the right to termination.

I guess that another area of life that I feel is a big issue in our society is the repression of thoughts, ideas, and beliefs. We live in a society that I believe wishes to silence others as well as repress them when it comes to their thoughts, ideas, beliefs and often times sexuality. So that is an area that I have a problem with. Repression can be toward adults or children. Society trying to repress anyone adult or child from their thoughts, their ideas, or their beliefs, is wrong. Now I fully understand that often times a child will get their thoughts from there parents or those around them as well as there ideas, and beliefs. The same goes with sexuality. I believe everyone should be able to express themselves as they so choose. Even when it is wrong, as long as it does not harm another.

If a child is to young to choose their own thoughts, their own ideas, their own beliefs then of course they are to young to choose their own sexuality. However if a child is not to young to choose their own thoughts, ideas, beliefs, or sexually then they also should be allowed to share those thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and sexuality with whomever they so choose. In our society we often say a minor under 18 cannot choose what they want because they are to young. Setting a legal age for something is not necessity wrong, a minor under 18 cannot enter into a contract with someone because they are considered to young to comprehend what they have done. Some say a minor under 18 cannot enter into a sexual relationship with someone over 18 because they are to young to comprehend the possible damage or that they could be coerced by the person over 18. That is true regardless of age or sexual activity, or a contract, however another area where society twists things to there own benefit is a minor under 18 breaking the law. This is what I call a legal fiction, which means it is something that is determined solely by legislation, not scientific methods or any other reality.

Society says it’s okay to punish a minor who broke the law even though that minor is to young to understand the consequences of their actions. I believe that if a person can be to young to consent for something like sexuality then they should not be held criminally liable for actions they may take under 18 as well. That does not mean a person under 18 should not be held responsible for actions that break the law, but they should not be held to criminal standards. In other words while they can be held accountable for what they did that was wrong they should never be charged with criminal statutes. No misdemeanors, or felonies.

Now before our society today are a varied list of perversions such as physically mutilating a child because that child, the parent or someone else convinced the child that they should be the opposite of what or who they are. I am talking about transgender surgery. It is flat out wrong even for an adult but for a child under 18 it is something that defiantly cannot be reversed at a later time. It is child abuse of the worst kind. Now as to the murder of children yet unborn. Life is in the blood, therefore once a heartbeat exists in a child then any act which would destroy that life is questionable. Now we talk about exceptions to incest, and rape. Yes, no 12 year old should be forced to have a child, hence why it’s okay to end a pregnancy quickly not months after the woman/girl becomes pregnant. Rape or incest exceptions might seem logical, however I have two cousins who are the product of incest. Is there life worth less then anyone else. I have a cousin who is the product of rape, is her life worth less then anyone else. I don’t think so.