Random Thoughts

Using ones Talents

Should a parent if they see some kind of talent in there child encourage there child to develop that talent. Example your child draws really really well, should the parent encourage them to develop that artistic talent, or if they seem to have a gift for music, should a parent encourage them to develop that talent, what if they have a gift in a specific sport, such as ice skating, or baseball, or any other sport, should there parent encourage them to develop that talent. Most people would say yes they should but at the same time not at the expense of not having a well rounded education. While a parent should encourage and do what they can to help there child develop their talents, they should not allow their child to ignore other important aspects of there life, such as developing socially, academically, or in any other way that rounds out there life.

A parent should not encourage there child to not go to college because they have a talent so that they think they can get by without quality knowledge. A child has a musical talent they should be encourage to develop that talent but not at the expense of education or other future endeavors.

So while most people would say a parent should encourage their child to develop the natural talents the question changes if a child has a physical beauty that they could also develop to benefit themselves. There is a physical aspect to all human beings, some might call it perfect ratios, the size and shape of the head, the distance from the elbow to the finger tip. All human beauty is based on the human ratio. A perfect ratio of someone, whether male or female would cause most people to recognize that persons physical beauty.

As a parent if your child had a perfect ratio, in other words they where physically very beautiful. We know that all mothers think there child is beautiful, but that is not reality. Many of us are just plain common in our physical appearance and that includes children. Some mothers will put there daughters into beauty pageants, while others (who generally are not so beautiful) will complain about parents exploiting there child by doing so. Some children people will say would make a great movie star because of there beauty, the same goes with adult movie stars, we want them to be beautiful.

So if a ten year old girl was absolutely beautiful should her parents encourage and support her in being physically beautiful and developing that beauty. Lets face it if a child is beautiful, they will receive a lot more attention from those around them whether they are male or female. There teachers, coaches, or anyone else who they connect with on a day to day basis. Now often times we will say a person who is beautiful is vain, but that is a personality issue not a physical issue.

We want children who develop there talents to remain humble even if they are the greatest violin player who has ever played a violin. So it is with beauty, we want our children to remain humble even if they are the most perfect child physically in the world. However most people while supporting a child in developing there talents are a little less supportive in supporting a child who is physically beautiful.

Should women be able to use there beauty to get ahead in life in there career or in whatever endeavors they follow. Should a man be able to use there physical attributes to get ahead in life in there career or in whatever endeavors they choose to follow. Now it is true unfortunately that some people will try to exploit a child, woman, or man who is beautiful sexually or any other way. Some people will try to exploit a persons natural talent as well. That is wrong but is that the fault of the child or person who has the talent, absolutely not.

So the question is should children or people in general be able to use beauty which is a natural talent of a sort to further there life, to improve there life. I really do not see a differences between natural talent and physical beauty, they are both a talent to be used.