Random Thoughts

What's Wrong With Psychology

Proverbs 21:30, “There is no wisdom nor understanding nor counsel against Yahweh.”

Look up the word “sin” in any psychology dictionary. It does not exist. You see, the concept of sin is not recognized by modern psychology. How can a psychologist even begin to understand human nature if the reality of sin is ignored? They can’t. The Word of Yahweh is absolutely essential to understanding the human psyche, for no other Book on this planet address the issue of man being a sinner. Psychology is sinful because it attempts to heal men’s souls without addressing the issues of sin, repentance, or Elohim. Therefore psychology is evil.

There is nothing wrong with the science of psychology, the study of human or animal behavior. However when Psychology or any science attempts to use what it believes it has found in those studies to modify human behavior, or to change a human’s belief, then it becomes a religion.

So what do modern psychologist base their beliefs on, if not the Word of Yahweh? To no surprise, much of today’s psychology is rooted in the atheistic beliefs of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) someone whom I have spent a great deal of my life studying his life, not his psychology and beliefs, but how he actually lived his life.

The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud is best known for his tendency to trace nearly all psychological problems back to sexual issues. Although only parts of his theory of psycho sexual development are still accepted by mainstream psychologists, Freud's theory of the Oedipal Complex has become a cultural icon nevertheless. Other now-famous Freudian innovations include the therapy couch, the use of talk therapy to resolve psychological problems, and his theories about the unconscious – including the role of repression, denial, sublimation, and projection. Initially a Viennese medical doctor, Freud was trained in neurology, and he originally drew inspiration from the work of Charles Darwin which explained behavior in evolutionary terms. But Freud's introduction to hypnotherapy and to the stunning revelations it elicited from mentally ill patients led him to develop a revolutionary theory of the mind and of the dynamics underlying human behavior. While Freud's theories have always been controversial, his work forms a major portion of the foundations of modern psychology, with considerable modification by later theorists.

SOURCE: http://www.nndb.com/people/736/000029649

Freud’s work forms a major portion of the foundation of modern psychology. Sigmund Freud was an avowed atheist, who believed in the evolutionary process of life. Freud was a devout Messiah-rejecter, Freud is quoted as saying…

“Neither in my private life nor in my writings, have I ever made a secret of being and out and out unbeliever.”

As with many psychologists today, Freud, the father of modern psychology committed suicide in 1939…

He was 83 yeas old when he asked a doctor to end his life, and died of physician-assisted morphine overdose in London on September 23, 1939.

SOURCE: http://www.nndb.com/people/736/000029649

Of course, Sigmund Freud is a big hit today with the LGBTQ community.

“… he accepted the idea that all human beings come into the world as potential bisexuals.”

SOURCE: http://www.nndb.com/people/736/000029649

Are you starting to see what is deathly wrong with psychology? How could modern psychology, that is largely based upon the work of an avowed atheist, even begin to understand the concept of sin? It cannot! Sin is completely ignored by the occult, New Age, Wicca, psychology, psychiatry, etc. cetera.

Proverbs 19:21, “There are many devices in a man’s heart (soul); nevertheless the counsel of Yahweh, that shall stand.”

Sin: The Root Problem of Society modified from Lester Roloff (1914-1982), from the sermon “Steps In the Degeneration of Out Nation.”

Sin is the true problem in society today. What is sin? Sin is the violation of Yahweh’s Laws. 1st John 3:4... "Whosoever commits sin transgress also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law." How does modern psychology deal with an alcoholic? How do they deal with a rebellious spouse who is emotionally distraught? How does modern psychology deal with a homosexual? Drunkenness, rebellion, and homosexuality are all condemned as SIN in the Bible (1st Corinthians 6:10; 1st Samuel 15:23; Romans 1:24-32).

Modern psychology refuses to recognize drunkenness as sin; but rather, they call it a "chemical dependency." Homosexuality is a morally reprehensible sin in the Word of Yahweh; but modern psychologists call it an "alternative lifestyle." A rebellious spouse may be diagnosed with hormonal imbalance, regressive anger, post-traumatic stress, clinical depression, or even a chemical-imbalance-of-the-brain; BUT no psychologist would dare cut to the chase of the matter – REBELLION IS AS THE SIN OF WITCHCRAFT! (1st Samuel 15:23).

Society is royally messed up today because people REFUSE to repent of sin. The greatest sin of all is unbelief, for it is the only sin which can keep a person out of Heaven (John 3:36). There can be no healing of the mind or soul apart from making peace with Elohim (Romans 5:1), and that can only happen through the precious blood of Yahshua that washes our sins away (1st John 1:7; 1st Peter 1:18,19). Do you think your psychologist is going to share the Gospel of Yahshua with you, and tell you how you can KNOW, beyond any shadow of a doubt, that you can go to Heaven when you die?

No, they surely won't. They can't, because most are atheists themselves. All psychologists work closely with psychiatrists, the only difference being that psychiatrists are licensed to prescribe drugs, but psychologists aren't. Most of the time, you will be prescribed some sort of drug when you seek help from a psychiatrist. If you go to a psychologist, they will likely refer you to a psychologist. It's all a big scam if you ask me.

The ROOT problem of mankind was, is, and always will be his love for sin (John 3:20).

What's Right with Psychology?

Perhaps a better question than the title of this article is... "What's right with psychology?" Modern psychology is rooted in Humanism and the unproven theory of Evolution. Sigmund Freud was strongly influenced by Charles Darwin...

"...he originally drew inspiration from the work of Charles Darwin which explained behavior in evolutionary terms."

SOURCE: http://www.nndb.com/people/736/000029649/

From it’s roots, modern psychology has it’s origins in atheism and the unproven theories of evolution. Psychology is effectively synonymous with Modernism, worldliness, Humanism, Evolution and the occult….

"The greatest aspect of holistic health is its recognition of the role played by mind in health. "Mind is omnipotent" said Freud..."

SOURCE:http://www.circlesoflight.com/g-kumar/kumar1.shtml, by G. Kumar, Pranic Therapy -

Is that what the Word of Yahweh teaches ... that the Mind is Omnipotent? Freud is wrong! Does not Jeremiah 17:9 declare... "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?" The only thing "omnipotent" about mankind is our ability and tendency to sin. We are all stumbling failures apart from the salvation which Elohim offers to us through Yahshua. "Heart" is the Bible refers to man's subconscious brain – and our innermost self is certainly saturated with sinfulness (Romans 3:23). This is the sin-nature, another term you'll never find in modern psychology. If there is no Elohim, then there need be no morality, nor absolutes to live by.

There is nothing correct about modern psychology. Psychology is poisonous from it's roots, which is atheism. Freud based his beliefs largely upon Darwin's theoretical evolutionary process of man's development. As a result, Freud's work is flawed, having left out Yahweh. How can a man study the human soul without including the Creator of the soul? (John 1:10).

I am against modern psychology, because it is an agendacized religion intended to lead people into New Age philosophies; totally ignoring the reality of sin, placing no emphasis upon being born-again by miracle of Yahweh, nor of the critically important Doctrine of Yahshua which is the foundation of Biblical Messianism (1st Corinthians 3:11).

The biggest problem with modern psychology is that it totally ignores the reality of sin and the evil nature of mankind. Yahweh hates when people combine secular demonic psychology with the Bible, which amounts to Psychoheresy!