Random Thoughts

Why America will Become a Socialist Country

As I have stated before, because kids growing up have no grounding, they are brainwashed by there schools, elementary, junior high, high school, and of course the very liberal colleges and the visual media and now by the internet. So like it or not as new generations of legislators move into office they are more and more liberal and susceptible to socialism. But there are somethings that have to occur before this country becomes a full fledged socialist country.

The big one is guns, yep they need to find a way to get rid of as many guns as possible before they move in to take the remaining guns. So over the next few years you will see many more mass shooting, these are not an accident, they are well planned and orchestrated. There will be more school shootings, more mall shooting, more of all kinds of shooting especially kids and minority groups as well as LGBTQ and other out and out socialist oriented groups.

First they want the ā€œassault weaponsā€ which varies from AR15 style rifles to anything with large capacity magazines. Of course removing any of these will not prevent mass shooting so they are going to go after other types of rifles and anything over ten rounds in the magazines. Of course that will not stop mass shooting so they will want to take anything that is not a hunting rifle, but eventually they will want those too. Its not about making people safer, its only about getting guns out of the hands of those who would fight back when our freedoms are removed.

That of course is part of socialism, they have to force people to accept it and a large enough group of people will not if they have a way to fight back so the object is to get rid of anything or anyone who would stand in there way. Nazi Germany was a socialist county under Hitler and that is what they are moving toward. Not the ideology but the form of you do what we tell you or you will be placed in reeducation centers. Brainwash as many people as possible through the internet, Hollywood, and our government controlled education system.

Of course this is not going to happen overnight, it will take about another twenty years because part of the problem is they need the older generation, those above 50-60 mostly to die off before they can successfully take control. They remember to well the history of socialism, they do not want anyone who can show the masses how evil socialism is.

Another thing that must happen before the US becomes a full socialist country is a complete move to a digital currency, ID system, that way they can have greater control over people. With a digital currency, ID, they control what you can buy, who can buy, and a whole host of other factors in your life.

Currently there is a war going on for socialism in the Media and it will get much worst. The main steam media does not even care that most of what they feed the masses is true or not, they want ratings but more important is for the masses to accept socialism and its ideals.