Random Thoughts

Why America Will Fall

Lets look specialty at the cause of America’s fall. I know I have mentioned some of these reasons in the past but I want them all together in one place. So why will America fall? The U.S. Supreme Court rulings. The first is Abington vs. Schemp when prayer in U.S. schools was ruled unconstitutional. This ruling began the decline of morality in the life of children growing up which expresses itself it the life and political beliefs of young adults today. The second was Roe vs. Wade when the U.S Supreme Court ruled that children could be killed (sacrificed) with impunity. This sacrifice of children to the pagan gods has brought about His wrath today upon the world in the form of climate change, famine, rampant medical malady's today. The third was Lawrence vs. Texas when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that homosexuality was legal in all respects. This opened up the beginning of the end.

These three rulings are in direct opposition to the laws of the Creator.

The Creator cannot allow the United States to continue for if He does then he would need to apologize to the Canaanites and the ancestors of Noah who the Creator judged harshly for there sacrificing of children to the fallen angels also know at the pagan gods and engaging in a homosexual life style. It’s that simple. As the United States goes so goes the world because the United States is the last part of the Roman Empire who Yahshua will destroy without hands.

However, there is something else we need to look at, history, the history of every society where immorality ran rampant. When immorality runs rampant in a society chaos follows. Today in the American Empire immorality is running rampant and chaos is ensuing. That chaos will bring down the American Empire. John Adams the second president of the United States said something to the effect that for a nation to live in freedom, its citizenry must be moral. Is the citizenry of the United States today living in morality or immorality?